Diablo Immortal Paragon Guide

First, a little about Paragon. After reaching the maximum level of 60, players do not receive levels, but Paragon scores. In Diablo Immortal, these belong to the current character and do not apply to the account. The first level after level 60 equals one point.
Each Talent tree gives abilities like stats or passive buffs and new specializations. A character's attribute gain is always active, and specialization skills activated when a skill tree is selected.
There are five Paragon branches in total:
- Vanquisher, available immediately from the first level of Paragon, mainly lets attack bonuses.
- Survivor, available immediately from the first level of Paragon, mainly gives defensive bonuses.
- Treasure Hunter this tree unlocks at level 50, gives bonuses to magical search, gold, and experience.
- Gladiator unlocks at level 100 and is focused on PvP.
- Soldier unlocks at level 150 and grants PvP and PvE bonuses to the entire group of players.
Depending on the initial selection, a hero can always switch to a road. This way, the character gets the active skills rolled, which are displayed as square icons. Passive skills, which are marked by round icons, are permanently active and do not depend on the development path chosen.
If you've played past versions of Diablo Immortal, you'll remember that paragon was previously a common parameter. This allowed newly created heroes to gain a huge advantage, which had a giant impact on gameplay. Blizzard decided to move away from this, and now the paragon levels are individual for each of the current characters. And the most important thing to remember is that there is no way to reset them for free. Decide your character development path carefully, and ExpCarry will help you figure it all out.
Next, our expert will explain the features of each of the developmental branches and the playing classes they suit.
Vanquisher Paragon Guide
One of the two available ways to develop the paragon from the first minutes of end-game content. The main focus is damage in the PvE component of the game, which contributes to faster and easier destruction of hordes of monsters. As a consequence, it speeds up the discovery of other ways to develop the hero:
- Potency is a passive parameter that increases efficiency for every score invested;
- Exorcism — a special skill that allows you to deal 5% more damage to all monsters universally;
- Deeper pockets — when pumped, it gives you 1 additional slot in your inventory for each increased level. It is a passive parameter;
- Zeal — a special skill that increases the character's speed by 0.5% for 6 seconds for each enemy killed. It can be summed up to 10 times;
- Wrath — a special skill that gives a 0.5% bonus to damage for 6 seconds for each enemy hero killed. It adds up to 10 times;
- Heart of Wrath — a special skill that allows Wrath and Zeal to fold up to 15 times;
- Damage — passively increases damage by 15;
- Life — passive perk, giving +150 life score for every point invested;
- Judgment — a special skill that lets a guaranteed critical hit after killing 5 monsters;
- Armor Penetration — passive skill that increases armor penetration by 60 for each score;
- Damage — passively increases damage by 40.
In this case, it can be said that the road is universal and will suit absolutely any character class. The only exception will be when you want to create a strong tank for playing in a group or performing narrowly focused actions — in that case you should choose Survivor. We'll tell you about him next.
Survivor Paragon Guide
The only alternative to Vanquisher in the early stages of end-game content that's great for any tank hero. Furthermore, the road is great if you plan to stay in the heat of battle for as long as possible.
Most players skip Stalwart and decide Indestructible straight away, which has a significant advantage:
- Life is a passive perk, giving +150 life score for every point invested;
- Unyielding — a specialization skill, giving a 0.6% reduction in incoming damage for every 10% health lost;
- Armor — passive perk giving +60 to armor score;
- Stalwart — one of the most unused special skills, giving +35% block while reducing health to 30%;
- Escape Artist — a special perk that allows you to move 35% faster for 6 seconds and pass through crowds of enemies. Activates when health level is below 30;
- Precognition — reduces the recovery time of Stalwart and Escape Artist by 15 seconds;
- Resistance — adds +10 to Resistance for every score gained;
- Indestructible — a special skill that allows you to survive after receiving a death blow from monsters. The hero gets 1 health unit and immunity to damage for 3 seconds. It triggers once every 120 seconds;
- Damage — passively increases damage by 15.
As we said, great for a tank character. Next, let's look at the Treasure Hunter.
Treasure Hunter Paragon Guide
The skills in this branch of the paragon aimed solely at increasing the chance of obtaining items from monsters, as well as boosting upgrade levels more quickly. It makes sense to choose this path only for PvE battles to gain maximum profit. Opens at level 50.
It is the best choice for fast heroes who are focused on item mining and quick map clearing. For example: Demon Hunter, Monk, or Barbarian. Next, let's go over the nodes:
- Resistance — adds +10 to Resistance for every point gained;
- Treasure find is a special talent that increases the chance of dropping gear from elite monsters in any open location. Does not work in dungeons;
- Lucky — special skill that increases the chance of dropping spheres from monsters in open locations by 50%. Does not work in dungeons;
- Greed — special talent that increases the efficiency of Treasure Find and Lucky skills by 75% instead of the standard 50%;
- Armor — passive perk giving +60 to armor score;
- Swift Learner — special perk that lets 50% more experience for defeating special enemies. Not the most useful talent;
- Damage — passively increases damage by 15;
- Gold Find — a special talent, exactly like Escape Artist from Survivor branch;
- Armor Penetration — passive skill that increases armor penetration by 60 for each score;
- Potency is a passive parameter that increases efficiency for every point invested;
- Life is a passive perk, giving +150 life score for every point invested.
A great option for farming would be to combine the Vanquisher with the Treasure Hunter. Let Armor Penetration and Greed together with Treasure Find, and you have a strong hero with the ability to get additional items.
For those who like PvP, this next branch is perfect. Moving on to Gladiator.
Gladiator Paragon Guide
PvP-oriented road, only available from level 100. If you are only planning to engage in PvE battles, you can safely ignore these skills — they will not give bonuses to monster battles.
If you're going to fight other players, the paragon is a good option:
- Quick Witted is a special skill that reduces the control time of a character by 10 percent;
- Life is a passive perk, giving +150 life points for every score invested;
- Cheat Death is a special skill completely similar to Indestructible from Survivor;
- Armor Penetration — a passive skill that increases armor penetration by 60 for each score;
- Uncontrollable — a specialization skill that lets you have immunity to controlling your hero in case you have a control skill applied to you. Restoration is equal to 15 seconds;
- Resistance — adds +10 to Resistance for every point gained;
- Damage — passively increases damage by 15;
- Potency is a passive parameter that increases efficiency for every score invested;
- Trapper is a specialization skill that allows you to place a trap under your feet for every 5 yards moved in 6 seconds. Active at health level below 30%. Recovery time is 240 seconds;
- Defense — passive skill, giving +50 defense;
- Rapid Recovery — special perk that reduces the recovery time of Trapper and Uncontrollable by 10 seconds.
By choosing this paragon, your hero becomes an extremely dangerous opponent in PvP. Next we'll look at the last option, called Soldier, which is suitable for playing in a team.
Soldier Paragon Guide
This way is only available after 150 levels of perfection, and gives great bonuses for team play. In some ways, you can call Soldier an alternative to the usual support in many MMO. Next to perks:
- Hold Formation is a special talent which gives a 2.5% damage reduction for each group member nearby;
- Life is a passive perk, giving +150 life points for every point invested;
- First Aid is a special skill that restores 15% health for 3 seconds if a group member is nearby. Active after 15% health reached. Recovery time is 300 seconds;
- Armor — passive perk giving +60 to armor score;
- Resistance — adds +10 to Resistance for every score gained;
- Battle Morale — is a specialization skill that gives 3% more damage for 10 seconds if an enemy player dies within 15 yards. It can be summed up to 4 times;
- Combat Veteran is a special perk that lets you 8 more Battle Morale stacks and reduces First Aid recovery time to 180 seconds;
- Damage — passively increases damage by 15;
- Potency is a passive parameter that increases efficiency for every point invested;
- Armor Penetration — passive skill that increases armor penetration by 60 for each score;
- Sacrifice is a special skill that gives 15% reduction of damage to all group members for 6 seconds as a result of character death. Works no more than once every 60 seconds.
Potentially, this is a strong way, but there is a significant disadvantage — you always have to be near the team. Great for classes like Crusader, Wizard, or Necromancy.
Which tree is better to choose in Diablo Immortal?
To be blunt, there are 2 branches currently: Vanquisher and Gladiator. The first one is decided by those who want to fight with monsters, the second one — with players. Both of them let great bonuses in their direction.
Next, if you want a tank, let Survivor and pump points into it, ignoring Vanquisher entirely until a certain point. However, if you decide PvP mode, you hardly need the Survivor paragon. Save your points for the future.
The Treasure Hunter is one of the weakest presently, but it's not useless. You can start pumping it right after level 50, but ExpCarry strongly advises against it.
The Soldier is currently only suitable for a few classes and only for certain builds. For example, Crusader feels good with Survivor + Soldier branches. It's a really tough tank, able to guard your group in any situation.
Of course, everyone decides their own way of development. We do not forbid anything, we only recommend listening to the opinion of our experienced gamers.