WoW Dragonflight WoW Dragonflight

Warlock – Best PvP & PvE Build Tree

18 Nov 2023
Warlock – Best PvP & PvE Build Tree

The Warlock class in World of Warcraft Dragonflight is famous for many reasons. Among them is the flexibility of gameplay, with which everyone will find a style of play for themselves, and the ability to deal massive damage to enemies at any battle stage. In the PvP part of the game, the class is also widespread and, in capable hands, is very effective, what's just a bunch of warlocks + shamans in the arena and not only. Once you've mastered this class, you can show excellent results in any part of the game. ExpCarry team prepared a short guide on warlock, and we'll help you choose the best talent tree.

Warlock PvE Builds in WoW Dragonflight 10.2

The main task of this one in PvE is to deal damage to the enemy, and the warlock has several functional raid abilities that allow you to overcome long distances or quickly replenish your health. Choosing this class will put you in the group for m+ or raids of any difficulty.

Destruction Warlock PvE Build

The first available PvE specialization will be destruction, one of the most destructive in inflicting permanent damage to the target. The Warlock in this specialization can deal damage point by point and distribute it if necessary. The essential abilities of this specialization are Immolate, Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate, and Incinerate. The talent tree in maximum level is below:

Destruction Warlock Pluses in WoW Dragonflight 10.2

  • High single-target and two-target damage
  • Low ramp-up time
  • Good burst on-demand
  • Efficient cleave
  • Flexible gameplay
  • Amazing AoE potential

Destruction Warlock Minuses

  • Single 3 minutes cooldown
  • Low AoE burst
  • Low mobility can significantly penalise damage output

The pluses of destruction build include enormous damage on one or two targets, low time to disperse maximum damage, the ability to inflict significant damage on the team, and flexible, comfortable gameplay. The disadvantages are relatively average damage among other classes without bursts, weak AoE, and low mobility.

Affliction Warlock PvE Build

The ExpCarry team chose affliction as the following specialty in this guide. These warlocks have excellent damage on many targets and good damage on a solo target with the ability to quickly change focus, which is very relevant in PvP and PvE. We're sure you'll find the affliction game exciting and dynamic. The essential cooldown of this specialization is Agony, Unstable Affliction, Corruption, Malefic Rapture, and Shadow Bolt. It would be best if you used all in rotation. The primary stat here — is haste. Now let's take a pick at the talent tree on the 70 levels:

Affliction Warlock Pluses in WoW Dragonflight 10.2

  • Good single-target damage
  • Multiple ways of dealing strong AoE
  • Spread cleave
  • High mobility
  • Very good priority damage

Affliction Warlock Minuses

  • Ramp-up time for some of its damage
  • Low Burst damage requires a setup period
  • Damage profile centered around sustained output with relatively weak cooldowns

The pluses of affliction warlock include tremendous mobility, the most substantial AoE with the ability to change targets quickly, and excellent priority damage to a solo target. The disadvantages are average single-target damage, no ability to do fast damage, high requirements for the game skills, and good reaction.

Demonology Warlock PvE Build

The last PvE warlock spec is demonology, based on controlling demon hordes and dealing damage using some pet. It is one of the most convenient specializations for solo leveling and traveling the world. Also, demonology warlock has excellent damage on isolated targets, increasing over time, and a good AoE. The primary abilities of this specialization are Call Dreadstalkers, Hand of Gul'dan, Demonbolt, Shadow Bolt, and Summon Demonic Tyrant. Next warlock talent in 70 levels: 

Demonology Warlock Pluses in WoW Dragonflight 10.2

The Demonology Warlock in World of Warcraft's Dragonflight 10.2 has received several updates, enhancing its gameplay and effectiveness in both PvE and PvP environments. Here are some of the key pluses of playing a Demonology Warlock in this latest patch:

  • Enhanced Summoning Abilities: Demonology Warlocks continue to excel in summoning powerful demons. With the latest updates, the summoning abilities have become more efficient, allowing for quicker and more impactful demon deployment in battle. This change significantly boosts the Warlock's DPS and battlefield control.
  • Improved Sustain and Survivability: The class has seen improvements in its sustain and survivability, making it more resilient in extended fights. This is particularly beneficial in raids and dungeons, where the Warlock can maintain high damage output without being overly reliant on healers.
  • Versatility in Talent Choices: The updated talent tree for Demonology Warlocks in 10.2 offers a wider range of choices, allowing players to tailor their Warlocks to their preferred playstyle. Whether focusing on maximized DPS or enhanced control abilities, the new talents provide more options for customization.
  • Increased Synergy with Pets: The bond between the Warlock and their demons has been strengthened in Dragonflight 10.2. This improved synergy results in higher damage output from pets and new abilities that complement the Warlock's own spells, creating a more cohesive combat experience.
  • Better Crowd Control Capabilities: With the introduction of new abilities and the tweaking of existing ones, Demonology Warlocks now have improved crowd control tools. These enhancements make them formidable opponents in PvP scenarios and valuable assets in controlling mobs in PvE.
  • Enhanced Resource Management: The changes in 10.2 have led to a more streamlined resource management system for Demonology Warlocks. This allows for a more fluid gameplay experience, enabling players to focus more on strategy and less on managing resources.
  • Greater Impact in Raids and Dungeons: The overall enhancements to the Demonology Warlock make it a more potent class in raid and dungeon settings. Its ability to deal sustained damage, control large groups of enemies, and withstand significant damage makes it a valuable member of any group.
  • Improved PvP Performance: In PvP, the Demonology Warlock's enhancements have made it a more formidable opponent. With better survivability, control, and damage output, the Warlock can hold its own against various classes, making it a strong choice for PvP enthusiasts.

Demonology Warlock Minuses in WoW Dragonflight 10.2

While the Demonology Warlock in World of Warcraft's Dragonflight 10.2 update has received several positive changes, there are also some drawbacks that players may need to consider. Here are some of the minuses associated with playing a Demonology Warlock in this patch:

  • Complexity in Micromanagement: The Demonology Warlock's strength heavily relies on managing a variety of demons and abilities. This complexity can be overwhelming, especially for newer players, as it requires constant attention and quick decision-making to maximize effectiveness.
  • Vulnerability to Crowd Control: Despite improvements in survivability, Demonology Warlocks remain susceptible to crowd control effects. In PvP, particularly, this vulnerability can be a significant disadvantage against classes with strong crowd control capabilities.
  • Reliance on Pet Performance: The Warlock's damage output and effectiveness are closely tied to their summoned demons. If the pets are mismanaged, killed, or controlled by the enemy, the Warlock's performance can suffer significantly.
  • Limited Mobility: Demonology Warlocks, like other Warlock specializations, typically suffer from limited mobility. This can be a notable disadvantage in both PvE and PvP scenarios where quick movement is essential.
  • Long Cast Times and Ramp-Up: Many of the Demonology Warlock's powerful abilities have long cast times and require a build-up to reach peak effectiveness. This ramp-up period can be a drawback in fast-paced encounters or when quick target switching is necessary.
  • Positional Challenges: Effective use of the Demonology Warlock's abilities often requires careful positioning. This need for positioning can be challenging in dynamic combat situations, particularly in encounters with frequent movement or space constraints.
  • Resource Management: While resource management has been streamlined, it remains a crucial aspect of the Demonology Warlock's gameplay. Mismanagement of resources like Soul Shards can lead to significant drops in DPS and combat effectiveness.
  • Competitiveness in End-Game Content: Although improved, Demonology Warlocks may still face challenges in being competitive in high-end PvE and PvP content compared to other DPS classes, particularly where burst damage or high mobility is prioritized.

And the pluses are massive damage on a single target, excellent damage on multiple targets, high mobility, and burst damage on demand. Among the disadvantages of the build is weak resource generation. Also, you need to monitor the pet and its state hard constantly.

Warlock PvP Builds in WoW Dragonflight

In the last few add-ons, warlocks actively play in the PvP of each spec at any rate. Nothing has changed in WoW Dragonflight either – the class is just as famous and robust. With its excellent control capabilities, high survivability, ability to take advantage of a good position, and severe damage to one or more targets, a warlock becomes one of the most dangerous opponents, especially in good hands.

Destruction Warlock PvP Build

PvP guide on warlock builds, we'll start with the specialization, distinguished by the explosive damage on a single target with a relatively low rollback time. The primary abilities of this destruction spec are Immolate, Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate, and Incinerate in a row. In addition, remember Demonic Gateway, Shadowburn, and Dark Pact spells. Now for the talents:

Destruction Warlock Pluses in WoW Dragonflight 10.2

  • Extremely disruptive
  • Strong, casted burst damage
  • Great on-demand instant damage

Destruction Warlock Minuses

  • Struggle to stay alive against melee teams
  • Hard to cast against teams with multiple interrupts
  • Difficult to close games out before Dampening

The strengths in PvP are extra damage, firm control over the enemy, strong heal, and the ability to issue a burst on demand. Weaknesses could be more substantial damage avoidance, dependence on rollback skills and shards, and only fire damage skills.

Affliction Warlock PvP Build

Next, the ExpCarry team will turn players' attention to one of the most vital classes to play on the battlegrounds and arenas 3v3, called affliction warlock. The strength of the build lies in its ability to deal damage to multiple targets at once while surviving well and avoiding injury in return. The essential skills of this specialization are Agony, Unstable Affliction, Corruption, Malefic Rapture, and Shadow Bolt spells. Not to forget Unending Resolve, Fear, and Soul Rot. If you're ready to learn how to play this specialization, check out the list below:

Affliction Warlock Pluses in WoW Dragonflight 10.2

  • Great spread damage
  • Good against teams with low self-healing or no hybrids

Affliction Warlock Minuses

  • Struggle to cast against teams with many interrupts
  • Lack of reliable crowd control
  • Only one casting school

The advantages of affliction warlock are excellent damage distribution, high efficiency in any combat stage, and versatility when fighting with any class. The disadvantages are weakness to interruptions, lack of mass control, no ability to do explosive damage, and only one school of magic in the arsenal.

Demonology Warlock PvP Build

The last specialty to review in the guide will be demonology lock, which is not the most popular, but also quite strong in capable hands. An important feature is the possibility of high control at the right moment and the density of the hero, which makes the warlock a lousy target. The essential abilities of this specialization are Call Dreadstalkers, Hand of Gul'dan, Demonbolt, Shadow Bolt, and Summon Demonic Tyrant cast. Not to forget Soul Link, Dark Pact, Soulburn, and Fear. Skills should be distributed as follows:

Demonology Warlock Pluses in WoW Dragonflight 10.2

The Demonology Warlock in World of Warcraft's Dragonflight 10.2 brings a set of distinct advantages to both PvE and PvP environments. These pluses make the specialization a compelling choice for players who enjoy a pet-centric, control-oriented playstyle. Here are the key strengths of the Demonology Warlock in this patch:

  • Powerful Pet Army: One of the hallmark strengths of the Demonology Warlock is their ability to summon and control a variety of demons. This pet army not only enhances the Warlock's damage output but also provides additional control and utility on the battlefield.
  • Strong Burst Damage: With the right setup, Demonology Warlocks can unleash devastating bursts of damage. This is particularly effective in PvE boss fights and PvP encounters where quick target elimination is crucial.
  • Enhanced Survivability: Demonology Warlocks have received updates that improve their survivability. Abilities like Soul Link and Healthstone, along with pet utility, provide a sturdy buffer that enhances the Warlock's resilience in both solo and group content.
  • Excellent Crowd Control: The specialization offers a suite of crowd control abilities, such as Fear and Howl of Terror. These tools are invaluable in PvP scenarios and can be effective in managing mobs in dungeons and raids.
  • Synergy with Demons: The updated talent tree in Dragonflight 10.2 enhances the synergy between the Warlock and their demons, increasing overall effectiveness. This includes buffs that improve pet damage and utility, making the pets even more integral to the Warlock's combat strategy.
  • Utility in Group Content: Demonology Warlocks bring valuable utility to group settings. Their ability to summon party members, create Soulwells for Healthstones, and use Banish or Enslave Demon on specific targets can be pivotal in various group encounters.
  • Consistent Damage Output: Unlike some other DPS classes, Demonology Warlocks can maintain a relatively consistent damage output over time. This makes them particularly effective in longer fights where sustained DPS is key.
  • Fun and Engaging Playstyle: For players who enjoy a more strategic and involved playstyle, Demonology offers a unique experience. Managing an array of demons and juggling various abilities makes for an engaging and rewarding experience.

Demonology Warlock Minuses in WoW Dragonflight 10.2

While the Demonology Warlock in World of Warcraft's Dragonflight 10.2 update brings several exciting features, there are also some drawbacks to consider. These minuses can affect gameplay experience, particularly for certain types of content or playstyles. Here are the key challenges and limitations associated with playing a Demonology Warlock in this patch:

  • Complexity in Gameplay: The Demonology Warlock's strength lies in managing a variety of demons and abilities, which can be complex and demanding. This steep learning curve may be challenging for newer players or those who prefer a more straightforward playstyle.
  • Susceptibility to Crowd Control: Despite improvements in survivability, Demonology Warlocks are still vulnerable to crowd control effects. In PvP, this can be a significant disadvantage against classes with strong crowd control abilities.
  • Reliance on Pets: A large portion of the Warlock's damage and utility comes from their summoned demons. If these pets are mismanaged or countered effectively by opponents, the Warlock's overall effectiveness can be severely diminished.
  • Limited Mobility: Demonology Warlocks, similar to other Warlock specializations, often struggle with mobility issues. This can be a notable disadvantage in both PvE and PvP scenarios where quick movement and positioning are crucial.
  • Long Cast Times and Ramp-Up Periods: Many powerful abilities of the Demonology Warlock have long cast times and require a build-up period to reach their full effectiveness. This can be a drawback in fast-paced combat situations or when frequent target switching is required.
  • Positional Sensitivity: Effective use of the Warlock's abilities often requires careful positioning, which can be challenging in dynamic combat situations, especially in encounters with constant movement or spatial limitations.
  • Resource Management: Managing resources like Soul Shards is a critical aspect of playing a Demonology Warlock. Mismanagement can lead to reduced effectiveness, particularly in high-pressure situations where optimal resource use is key.
  • Competition in End-Game Content: While Demonology Warlocks are strong, they may face competition from other DPS classes in high-end PvE content, especially where burst damage or high mobility is heavily favored.

The pluses of this build include the ability to control the enemy, excellent mobility, and substantial damage accumulation during combat with demons. The weaknesses are souls shards dependence, predictability of damage, and high CD of defensive abilities.

WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Warclock Changes

All WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Warlock Changes listed below.

Affliction Warlock Changes in 10.2

  • Grand Warlock's Design has been redesigned — Summon Darkglare cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
  • Umbrafire Kindling now lasts 20 seconds (was 12 seconds).
  • Soul-Eater's Gluttony has been redesigned — Soul Rot cooldown is reduced by 15/30 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue where Umbrafire Kindling would only increase the damage of Seed of Corruption to the main target.

Demonology Warlock Changes in 10.2

  • Gul'dan's Ambition has been redesigned — When Nether Portal ends, you summon a Pit Lord that serves you for 10 seconds.
  • Grand Warlock's Design has been redesigned — Summon Demonic Tyrant cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
  • Ner'zhul's Volition has been redesigned — Demons summoned from your Nether Portal deal 15/30% increased damage.
  • Demonic Knowledge now has a 10% chance of causing Hand of Gul'dan to generate a Demonic Core (was 15%).
  • New Talent: Summon Volatile Fiend — Implosion deals 10% increased damage. Bile Scourge Bombers deal 20% increased damage, and your spells now have a chance to summon a Bilescourge Bomber.
  • Summon Demonic Tyrant has been redesigned — Summon a Demonic Tyrant to increase the duration of your Dreadstalkers, Vilefiend, Felguard, and up to 10 of your Wild Imps for 15 seconds. Your Demonic Tyrant increases the damage of affected demons by 15% while damaging your target.
  • Reign of Tyranny has been redesigned — Active Wild Imps grant 1 stack of Demonic Servitude and active greater demons grant 3 stacks of Demonic Servitude, up to 15 stacks. Summon Demonic Tyrant deals 10% additional damage for each stack of Demonic Servitude active at the time of his summon.
  • Inner Demons no longer has a chance to summon an additional demon during combat.
  • Demonic Core is no longer baseline.
  • Demonbolt now grants the passive Demonic Core when learned.
  • Shadow Bolt damage increased by 30%.
  • Demonbolt damage increased by 15%.
  • Vilefiend damage increased by 15%.
  • Bloodbound Imps Imps has been removed.
  • Imp Gang Boss has been redesigned — Summoning a Wild Imp has a 15/30% chance to summon an Imp Gang Boss instead. An Imp Gang Boss deals 50% additional damage, and Implosions from Imp Gang Boss deal 50% increased damage.
  • All Nether Portal demons’ damage increased by 30%.
  • Gul'dan's Ambition has been redesigned — When Nether Portal ends, you summon a Pit Lord that blasts your target for Fire damage every 1 second for 10 seconds.
  • Demonic Tyrant's Demonfire damage increased by 30%.
  • Reign of Tyranny has been redesigned — Summon Demonic Tyrant empowers 5 additional Wild Imps and deals 10% additional damage for each demon he empowers.
  • Fixed an issue where your permanently summoned Felguard would not benefit from Summon Demonic Tyrant Icon Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  • Demonbolt damage increased 30%.
  • Hand of Gul'dan damage increased 25%.
  • Wild Imp damage increased 25%.
  • Implosion damage increased 25%.
  • Shadow Bolt damage increased 30%.
  • Call Dreadstalkers damage increased 25%.
  • Grimoire: Felguard damage increased 30%.
  • Immutable Hatred has been redesigned — Your primary Felguard’s Legion Strike deals 100% increased damage to its primary target. Your primary Felguard deals Physical damage after auto-attacking the same enemy 3 consecutive times.
  • Doom Brand damage increased 35%.
  • The chance for Doom Brand to summon a Doomfiend has been increased.
  • Soul Strike has been redesigned — Your primary Felguard learns Soul Strike: Strikes the soul of the target, dealing Shadow damage.
  • New Talent: Shadow Invocation — Bile Scourge Bombers deal 20% increased damage and your spells now have a chance to summon a Bile Scourge Bomber.
  • New Talent: Fel Invocation — Soul Strike deals 20% increased damage and generates 1 Soul Shard. The cast time of Summon Vilefiend is reduced by 0.5 seconds, and your Vilefiend now deals Fire damage to nearby enemies every 1 second while active.
  • New Talent: Spiteful Reconstitution — Implosion deals 10% increased damage. Consuming a Demonic Core has a chance to summon a Wild Imp.
  • Imp-erator is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
  • Malefic Impact is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
  • Summon Pit Lord Felseeker damage increased 40%.
  • Summon Volatile Fiend has been removed.
  • Power Siphon now prioritizes Wild Imps that are not Imp Gang Bosses or empowered by Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  • Summon Vilefiend Caustic Presence damage reduced by 50%.
  • Eye of Gul'dan now benefits from Haste and Critical Strike Chance.
  • Summon Pit Lord now benefits from Haste and Critical Strike Chance.
  • Summon Pit Lord Felseeker damage increased by 30%.
  • Doom Brand now deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.
  • Doom Brand no longer deals damage when dispelled.
  • Doom Brand damage increased by 150%.
  • Doomfiend's Doom Bolt Volley damage increased by 150%.
  • Immutable Hatred has been redesigned — When you consume a Demonic Core, your primary Felguard carves your target, dealing Physical damage.
  • Doom Brand is now more consistent with summoning a Doomfiend.
  • Doom Brand now has a chance to summon a Doomfiend when dispelled rather than only when detonated.
  • Doom Brand is now only applied when consuming a Demonic Core.
  • Immutable Hatred should no longer be lost if your Felguard is out of range. Instead, he will use it as soon as he is within range.
  • Fixed an issue where Immutable Hatred was still functioning as its previous iteration.

Destruction Warlock Changes in 10.2

  • New Talent: Chaosbringer — Chaos Bolt damage increased by 8/15%. Rain of Fire damage increased by 5/10%. Shadowburn damage increased by 5/10%.
  • Chaos Bolt damage increased by 15%.
  • Grand Warlock's Design has been redesigned — Summon Infernal cooldown is reduced by 60 seconds.
  • Madness of the Azj'Aqir has been removed.
  • Rain of Fire damage increased 15%.
  • Summon Infernal damage increased by 50%.
  • Shadowburn damage increased by 15%.
  • Fixed an issue where Dimensional Cinder would benefit twice from Critical Strikes.

 Warlock PvP Changes in Dragonflight Patch 10.2

  • Demon Skin now additionally grants a 45/90% armor increase.
  • Rapid Contagion has been removed.
  • New PvP Talent: Jinx — Casting a curse now applies Corruption and Agony to your target, but curses now cost 1 Soul Shard.
  • Corruption damage is now increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 10%).
  • Agony damage is now increased by 40% in PvP combat (was 25%).
  • Unstable Affliction damage is now increased by 40% in PvP combat (was 25%).
  • Oblivion now costs 2 Soul Shards (was 3).

  • Rampant Afflictions now reduces the damage of Unstable Affliction by 50% (was 25%).

Reading this little guide will make choosing talents and specialization trees easier. This allows you to increase your character's strength in the dungeon and raids of patch 10.2 in any selected skill build. We recommend checking back periodically for up-to-date content that is constantly being updated.

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