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WotLK Classic Phase 3 Overview and Updates

09 Aug 2023
WotLK Classic Phase 3 Overview and Updates

Welcome to our dedicated World of Warcraft hub and social media management service! We're thrilled to introduce ExpCArry's extensive guide to Phase 3 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, where we'll delve into all the enthralling new updates and modifications. Come along as we navigate through Trial of the Crusader, Titan Rune Beta Dungeons, Onyxia's Lair, and unpack the alterations in loot and emblem allocation in Phase 3.

WoW WotLK Classic 3rd Phase Dungeons and Raids

New Raid – Trial of the Crusader

Situated in the Icecrown, specifically within the Argent Tournament Grounds, the Trial of the Crusader presents a captivating raid featuring five boss showdowns. Differing from other raids, it excludes trash mobs, as each boss materializes in the Colosseum. Completing Trial of the Crusader provides players with Tier 9 Gear, promising potent set advantages for diverse classes. If the Heroic version of this raid, named Trial of the Grand Crusader, interests you, make sure to peruse our in-depth guides below.

Overview of the Trial of the Grand Crusader

Hosted at the Argent Tournament, Trial of the Grand Crusader is a five-boss Heroic raid that commences as a tournament contest but unexpectedly veers off course. Our guide to the Trial of the Grand Crusader raid provides a synopsis of the raid, essential details, entrance site, quests, and links to more thorough guides highlighting boss tactics, loot, and accomplishments.

Essential Details about Trial of the Grand Crusader in Wrath of the Lich King Classic:

  • The raid permits a maximum of 50 attempts per lockout period.
  • Boss showdowns release currency for Tier 9 gear.
  • The raid is structured linearly and consists of six boss encounters, though players from each faction will only face five.
  • Both 10-Player and 25-Player modes are available.
  • The Normal mode raid is referred to as Trial of the Crusader, while the Heroic mode is named Trial of the Grand Crusader.

Modes for Trial of the Grand Crusader in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

In Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Trial of the Crusader introduces two modes: 10-Player and 25-Player. The 10-Player mode allows for a maximum of 10 characters in a raid group, while the 25-Player mode accommodates a maximum of 25 characters. Also, both modes feature a Heroic difficulty level, with the Heroic mode titled Trial of the Grand Crusader, uniquely the only raid with a distinguished name for its Heroic mode.

Attempt Restrictions for Trial of the Grand Crusader in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

This Heroic raid distinguishes itself by providing a substantial challenge and setting a limit on the number of attempts a group can make to finish the raid within a lockout period. Upon vanquishing the ultimate boss, Anub'arak, the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest emerges, bestowing superior loot for teams who complete the raid with fewer attempts.

  • Groups are allowed a maximum of 50 attempts during a lockout period.
  • If a group is defeated 50 times, any still undefeated bosses will vanish and become inaccessible for the rest of the lockout period.
  • Players who conquer the raid in 25 attempts or fewer receive additional gear loot from the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest.
  • Players who overcome the raid in 26 attempts or more receive the Trophy of the Crusade and a Crusader Orb from the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest.
  • Players who complete the raid in a single attempt are assured a mount drop from the Argent Crusade Tribute Chest.

New Raid – Onyxia's Lair

Onyxia's Lair originally made its debut as a level 60 40-person dungeon upon the game's launch. However, in honor of World of Warcraft's 5th anniversary, it has been revamped as a level 80 raid for either 10 or 25 players. In our exhaustive guide to the level 80 rendition of Onyxia's Lair in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic, we've included a raid synopsis, key details, entry location, and associated raid quests.

Key Details about Onyxia's Lair in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Onyxia's Lair is home to a singular boss, the formidable Onyxia herself.
  • The raid supports both 10-Player and 25-Player modes, accommodating varied group sizes and levels of difficulty.
  • Location: Dustwallow Marsh.
  • 10-Player vs. 25-Player Onyxia's Lair in Wrath of the Lich King Classic:
  • In Wrath of the Lich King Classic, raids come in two distinct modes: 10-Player and 25-Player. The 10-Player mode allows for a maximum of 10 characters in a raid group, while the 25-Player mode can include up to 25 characters. 

New Raid Boss – Koralon the Flame Watcher

We're thrilled to present Koralon the Flame Watcher, the highly anticipated third boss battle in the Vault of Archavon raid, rolling out with Phase 3 of WotLK Classic. Much like earlier Vault of Archavon bosses, Koralon is designed to be an accessible encounter with a straightforward strategy, making it perfect for any impromptu group.

Koralon the Flame Watcher deviates from the norm, lacking a typical enrage timer. Instead, he amplifies his damage output by 5% every 20 seconds via the stacking Burning Fury buff. However, this shouldn't induce panic, as the boss has less HP than Auriaya or Kologarn, and can be toppled in under two minutes with a full group.

The main menace of the encounter lies in Koralon's Meteor Fists ability. Approximately every 30 seconds, he will power himself up, dealing fire damage equal to 120% of a regular swing in addition to every physical swing for the ensuing 15 seconds. This extra fire damage, roughly 40k prior to resistance, can be split among an infinite number of players standing within 10 yards of the main tank, while the physical damage from each swing exclusively targets the tank.

Several strategies exist to alleviate the pressure on the main tank during Meteor Fists. One tactic involves using 1-2 off-tanks who stand adjacent to the main tank to distribute the damage. Alternatively, all melee players can shift to the boss's front during the 15 seconds of the buff to share the damage. Another option is synchronizing defensive cooldowns like Shield Wall or Pain Suppression to diminish the incoming damage on the main tank. Nevertheless, this degree of coordination may prove daunting for an average pick-up group.

Koralon the Flame Watcher also employs Burning Breath, which deals approximately 5.5k fire damage per second to all raid members for 3 seconds, summing up to around 16.5k fire damage prior to resistance. With the Fire Resistance Aura, this should reduce every raid member to 50% HP when the boss has only one stack of Burning Fury. However, after two minutes in combat and with additional stacks of Burning Fury, the damage escalates to about 21k fire damage in total, which may be lethal for classes with lower health pools. A Discipline Priest can proactively shield the raid with Power Word: Shields, and supplementary damage mitigation can be attained through abilities like Aura Mastery and Divine Sacrifice.

Finally, Koralon will sporadically hurl fireballs at random players, causing around 5.5k fire damage on impact and forming Flaming Cinder patches on the ground. These fiery patches linger for 20 seconds and inflict approximately 4.5k fire damage per second to all players within 4 yards. Ranged players and healers should maintain a gap to prevent Flaming Cinder patches from appearing in close proximity, which would necessitate everyone in range to reposition. However, melee players should cluster on one side of the boss and collectively move to the opposite side whenever a Flaming Cinder materializes beneath them, thereby avoiding the melee area from getting littered with multiple fires. Tanks should stay alert, watching the melee group and moving the boss away from the fire if needed.

Get ready for a riveting confrontation with Koralon the Flame Watcher in the Vault of Archavon raid. Remember to formulate a strategy and synchronize with your team to surmount the hurdles and emerge victorious! Keep an eye out for more updates and guides on our World of Warcraft dedicated website.

New Option – Titan Rune

We're excited to introduce the Titan Rune Beta Dungeons, an electrifying addition set to launch with Phase 3 on June 20th. These dungeons offer a novel experience to players, functioning as both fresh content and a mechanism for catching up. Gear up for challenging encounters and the opportunity to earn enticing rewards.

A Glance at Titan Rune Dungeons

Titan Rune Dungeons introduce an entirely novel mechanic that was absent from the original Wrath of the Lich King. These dungeons have earned the community's moniker of "Heroic Plus" due to the elevated enemy damage, increased health, and the introduction of brand-new dynamics. Blizzard has incorporated this feature to keep players engaged with innovative and riveting content.

Engaging the Mysterious Device

Within each Heroic Dungeon, near the entrance, lies a Mysterious Device that players can interact with. To trigger the Titan Rune Dungeon difficulty, players must engage with this device and channel their energy into a secondary object. Follow the subsequent steps to engage the Mysterious Device and unveil the challenges of the Titan Rune Dungeons:

Interact with the Mysterious Device

  • Choose between 'Activate Defense Protocol Alpha' or 'Activate Defense Protocol Beta.'
  • A new object will materialize, requiring players to interact with it and channel their power.
  • Upon activation, a radiant light will illuminate the Mysterious Device, and the dungeon's enemies will receive a buff.

Rewards from Titan Rune Dungeon

  • Defense Protocol Alpha:
  • Overcoming the final boss encounter in Defense Protocol Alpha yields 1 Emblem of Conquest. Bosses in Defense Protocol Alpha dispense the same type of Emblems as regular Heroic Dungeons, particularly the Emblem of Valor.

Overcoming the final boss encounter in Defense Protocol Alpha yields 1 Emblem of Conquest. Bosses in Defense Protocol Alpha dispense the same type of Emblems as regular Heroic Dungeons, particularly the Emblem of Valor.

Bosses within Titan Rune Dungeons, with Defense Protocol Alpha engaged, drop their standard loot tables in addition to supplementary loot from 10-player Naxxramas. The ultimate bosses in each Titan Rune Dungeon will relinquish Item Level 213 loot from the 10-player renditions of Kel'Thuzad, Malygos, and Sartharion.

Achievements in Titan Rune Dungeon

At present, achievements for Titan Rune Dungeons revolve around vanquishing each boss encounter while the Empowered Rune of the Heroic Dungeon is active. By defeating each boss within the Heroic Dungeon, you will secure a Defense Protocol achievement specific to that dungeon.

we are thrilled to bring you news about the highly-anticipated Phase 3 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, particularly focusing on the exciting PvP changes and the bounty of rewards that await you in Season 7. Whether you're a seasoned arena champion or an avid battleground enthusiast, there's a lot to look forward to as we delve into this next exhilarating chapter of Azeroth's history.

WoW WotLK Classic 3rd Phase Rated PvP

PvP Changes in Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 3

In Phase 3, the dynamics of PvP will undergo significant shifts. A new battleground, Isle of Conquest, will be introduced, which promises large-scale conflicts and strategic battles over resources and fortifications. This 40 vs 40 battleground is a magnificent blend of Alterac Valley and Arathi Basin mechanics, offering a unique gameplay experience that you won't want to miss.

Wintergrasp, the open-world PvP zone introduced in Phase 2, will continue to host intense faction battles. However, in Phase 3, Tenacity stacking will be adjusted, improving the balance and fairness of battles when factions have unequal numbers.

As part of the ongoing evolution of class balance, certain classes may see changes to their abilities and talents, enhancing the diversity and strategic complexity of PvP encounters.

PvP Rewards in Season 7

With the dawn of Season 7, players can look forward to acquiring new gear sets – the Relentless Gladiator's gear. These new sets are not just visually striking but also offer a considerable step up in terms of stats and set bonuses.

In addition, the Season 7 rewards also include a new batch of weapons. The Relentless Gladiator's weapons boast improved stats that will surely give you an edge in combat. To acquire these weapons, you'll need to show your mettle in the arenas and earn enough arena points.

For the highest-ranking players in each battle group, exclusive rewards are up for grabs. These include the prestigious Gladiator title, the deadly and awe-inspiring Relentless Gladiator's Frostwyrm mount, and a unique tabard and cloak design to flaunt your PvP prowess.

Relenteless Gladiator's Sets for All Classes:

For those who have the grit and skill to reach the top of the Rated Battlegrounds leaderboards, the Grand Marshal and High Warlord titles are returning, along with accompanying gear sets that hark back to the original Vanilla PvP system.

We hope you're as excited as we are about the thrilling changes and rewards coming with Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 3 and Season 7. As always, we'll keep you updated with all the latest news, guides, and insights. Stay tuned, and prepare to test your strength in the arenas and battlegrounds of Azeroth!

We hope that our little guide was useful to you. Follow the ExpCarry blog - there are a lot of useful and interesting things to come

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